
橫跨兩周多場音樂實驗 震盪耳膜

Two Weeks of Sonic Exploration to Unleash the Potential of Experimental Music


一連兩個周末,超過30位本地以及世界各地的音樂人, 連同項目夥伴 – 現在音樂、廿一檔及20α , 集結自由空間細盒並送上多場風格迥異的即興音樂演出,發掘實驗音樂的可能。⚡壓軸演出將於8月6日自由空間大盒舉行,由日本實驗音樂大師大友良英,與站在當代音樂前沿的印尼組合Senyawa把音樂邊界推至極限。另外更有免費工作坊和分享會,讓音樂家與觀眾直面交流。立即購票,一次過體驗豐富多元聲音,率先看完整表演名單(排名不分先後)!

Brace yourself for two weeks of boundary-pushing experimental music performances at Freespace Noise Fest this summer! 🔊

The two weekends of non-stop free-improvisation performances by over 30 international and local acts, with programme partners Contemporary Musiking HK, Project 21st and 20α, create unconventional sounds that challenge conventions and redefine perceptions.⚡ A powerful finale double-bill on 6 August features Japanese composer and multi-instrumentalist Otomo Yoshihide, and the Indonesian duo at the forefront of contemporary music, Senyawa. Dive into the minds of the artists at free artist sharing sessions and artist-led workshops.

Get your tickets now and check out the full lineup (listed in random order) to get ready for the free-form sonic adventure!

自由空間耳震盪 Freespace Noise Fest👂🏻

📆 24.7 – 6.8.2024



